Does diesel kill weeds? Efficacy Explained

There are some herbicide labels that call for the addition of diesel to speed up top kill or increase penetration.

Using diesel fuel alone (without a herbicide) is not recommended. Diesel kills weeds and all plant material that it comes into contact with. This is because diesel is a toxin to all plant life and kills on contact with any parts of the plant. This holds for all weeds and grasses and even flowers and crops.

Using diesel to kill weeds has two sides to it namely the ability to kill weeds but also to kill good plants. As such, you need to know exactly when and where to apply the diesel so you don’t ruin your whole garden or lawn.

Being a fuel and a toxin, diesel will also kill the insects in the soil when applied. This is double-sided since it means you can kill any pests with it. However, it also means killing the microbes responsible for the healthy development of the soil and your plants’ root system. Thus, precautions need to be put in place for the best results.

Does diesel kill weeds permanently?

Diesel won’t kill weeds permanently. While it kills the roots, stems, and leaves, it doesn’t kill the seeds of the weeds. This means that, once the diesel has reduced in amounts from the soil due to being washed away by rain, the seeds will germinate, and the weeds will grow. You will thus need to use it every season for the best results.

How to kill weeds with diesel fuel

For this exercise, you’ll need the following items: a spray bottle for thick liquids with a direct spray nozzle, a gasoline jug/jerrycan, a shovel, a funnel.

Here’s how to kill weeds using diesel fuel:

  1. Get up to 2 gallons of diesel from your local gas station then pour it into the jug.
  2. With the funnel, pour it into the spray bottle. Do this preferably in your garage or somewhere without plant cover on the ground since you may accidentally kill good plants with diesel spills.
  3. With the spray can, directly spray the diesel onto the weeds making sure it comes into contact with the leaves, stems, and the area around the roots on the ground.

You don’t need a lot of it as a medium level of contact will be enough to kill the weeds. Essentially, you don’t need to drench the weeds for it to work.

Can diesel get rid of grassy weeds?

Diesel, being an indiscriminate plant killer, will also get rid of grassy weeds when sprayed on them. The same procedure used to clear the weeds above will be used. Depending on the type of grassy weeds, the amount of diesel sprayed may need to be increased for proper coverage.

How long does it take diesel to kill grass?

After spraying, diesel will take about 48 hours to effectively kill grass. While you’ll see the results with the plant leaves starting to wilt in a few hours, it needs to remain in contact with the plant for at least 48 hours to effectively kill it off.

Does roundup work better with diesel?

The combination of diesel and roundup works much better than either of them it’s their own. On its own, the roundup is a very effective weed killer and will display results within three hours of spraying.

Both will kill weeds to different degrees although roundup will be faster at it. Roundup also kills the seeds to prevent further germination in their next season. However, it’s not as thorough as diesel when it comes to killing all weeds as diesel does. The two will thus provide a thorough and lasting solution to weeds.

Safety precautions

While quite effective at killing weeds and grass, diesel can be harmful to the environment as well. Some of the safety precautions you need to take into consideration include the following:

  • Diesel is a fire hazard and should thus not be sprayed around fires.
  • Spray it early in the morning when there’s no chance of wind or rain for at least 48 hours.
  • Diesel kills all plant life and should thus not be sprayed on areas with flowers or other good plants.
  • Wear a mask when spraying diesel on the weeds since it irritates the breathing system when inhaled.
  • Return the diesel to the jerrycan rather than storing it in the spray bottle. Store it in the garage and not indoors to prevent fires and harm to people who may inhale it.
  • Don’t use diesel on the soil if you have well water as it’ll likely seep into the ground and the water source.

With these precautions, you can safely and effectively use diesel to kill off the weeds in your yard, garden, or sidewalk.